Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Photo Manipulation

When I started editing my photo for my front cover I decided that I wanted to delete the background so I could choose whatever colour I wanted to put as the background of my front cover. I used the magic wand tools to delete most of the background. I then used the lasso tool to cut some of her hair down because I couldnt cut around it as it was too difficult.

I then took the image and edited it using lighting effects. I added a spotlight on her face to emphaises her sad expression and higlight the high angle shot. this made her look veery vunerable which is what i aimed to do. I then played with they brightness and contrast in order to make sure the rest of the image wasnt too dark in comparisoin to her light up face.

Double Page Spread Draft

This is my finished first draft of my magazine double page spread article.

When designing my double page spread I started by cutting the backgrounds out of all the images I planned to use on photoshop so I could place them in the image I wanted. I then began moving them around to see which postitioning of the photos I liked. I then wanted to change the background colour from white to something else so I played around and then settled on the light grey background. On the last page I had a choice of two photos to include but decided I liked the one of her in white better as it created constency througout the magazine as she was then wearing the same dress in all photos.

Draft Contents Page

This is my finished draft of my contents page

When I was thinking of how to lay out my contents page I knew that I wanted the title 'contents' along the side , but I didn't know where I wanted to place my pictures and text. I played around with different ideas in illustrator like the ones above until I liked my final version as it looks more like a proffesional magazine.

Draft Magazine Front Cover

This is my  completed draft magazine front cover

 This is what my magazine started as once I had maipulated the picture in photshop to add more lighting to her face and get rid of the grey background she was on.  I played with the colour balance of the image and then added spotlights on her face and body to emphasise this idea of her looking vunerable.

I then had to decide where I wanted my text to be, so I started by adding in the things I denfinatly knew where I was going to place like the bar code in the bottom right and the 'free itunes..' in the bottom left. I then had to decide where I wanted my title and anchorage text to be and I played with the location of it. In the end I decided I liked the one on the right as it looked more like a traditional magazine.