Thursday, 20 October 2011

Survey Results

These are the results from my survey and I have displayed some of the more important ones here that I am going to use in order to help me design and plan my music magazine.

 This shows me how many people who took my survey actually read music magazines, and from this I can see that over half of them do.

 From this I can gather what sort of music people are interested in and like and I can also see what range of music people like as I left it as a multiple choice question where they could tick what they wanted. I can see that the majority of people chose R and B, but there was also a high percentage of pop, dance and rock. Rap was the least popular answer, so from this I can see that not many people like it.

 This chart shows what articles and extras people like in a music magazine, and from this graph suggests that most people like to see articles on artists. They also like to see other things such as latest music, interview and music news.

 This question shows me that most people dislike rock music , but some people dislike pop, dance and rap. However no one ticked hip hop and only a small percent ticked R and B which suggest that they are music types most people like.

From this I can see that people do like to have freebies in the magazine because everyone answered and no one chose to skip the question. I can also see that most people wanted a free download or signed posters, however there was still a high percentage of  people that preferred the other option.

This was an open answer question which required the person completing the survey to give a response of their choice. No one wrote down the same artist so from this I can see there is a wide range of preferences as to what artists people like and want to see on the cover of a magazine.

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