Wednesday 7 December 2011

Draft Magazine Front Cover

This is my  completed draft magazine front cover

 This is what my magazine started as once I had maipulated the picture in photshop to add more lighting to her face and get rid of the grey background she was on.  I played with the colour balance of the image and then added spotlights on her face and body to emphasise this idea of her looking vunerable.

I then had to decide where I wanted my text to be, so I started by adding in the things I denfinatly knew where I was going to place like the bar code in the bottom right and the 'free itunes..' in the bottom left. I then had to decide where I wanted my title and anchorage text to be and I played with the location of it. In the end I decided I liked the one on the right as it looked more like a traditional magazine.

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