Wednesday 1 February 2012

Double Page Spread Design

After my draft, I realised that my images for my double page spread were not as good as they could be, so I went out to take more photos at a location, as I wanted to show the different sides to my artist. When making my double page spread I played around with the layout a lot to see what worked best. I started out with all the images along the top, but I thought this looked too similar to my contents page and the images would look better if i tried to integrate them more. I then moved one to the bottom and changed the text around it to make it look better. On the final page of my article, I realised that it looked a bit too plain in my draft and I didnt really like the picture, so I took a different one and added some more text to the article to fill the page more. I also added in a quotation, as most magazines have them and I thought it made the page stand out a bit more and be more intersting as it was not just an image and then some text.

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